DNA Library / Single Item / Disease Risk
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  • Traits
  • Drug Response

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  • Categories
  • Ability to Execute(Interference Environment)
  • Execution is the ability to turn an idea into action and turn it into a result. Execution can be analyzed by the following techniques, such as: reaction inhibition, working memory, emotional control, lasting focus, time management, adherence to standards, etc. And lasting focus means that you can stay focused and not be affected by unrelated things, or tired/tired feelings. Persistence is the ability to maintain a lasting behavioral response in a sustained activity. People who are lacking in this area can only maintain a few seconds to a few minutes of focus on a ministry, or they can be extremely repetitive in a short period of time, thus affecting the execution of their work.
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  • Ability to Accept Failure
  • Accepting the ability to defeat is the frustration resilience, that is, the ability to self-adhere and adapt to setbacks. In the course of life and learning, the occurrence of setbacks is inevitable. Children of different ages will have different experience of setbacks and different performances. They can endure and eliminate setbacks and maintain a complete personality and psychological balance. This is an important indicator of mental health.
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  • Ability to Avoid Harm
  • Injury avoidance refers to an individual's tendency to respond strongly to aversive stimuli and to learn to passively evade punishment. importance - Injury avoidance is a personality trait closely related to depression - Children who are avoiding traits are prone to fatigue, shame, worry, pessimism, and even suspicion and fear - Injury avoidance is a negative emotion that affects the child's normal learning and life.
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  • Affectionateness
  • Passion is a person's personality, emotional, emotional, and emotionally rich personality is called passionate. Passionate and indiscriminate, different from each other, indulge in love, and in the heart, it means that there is no principle of emotion, and whoever is emotional will often not be moved, just play; Passionateness means that a person is rich in emotions and easy to be emotional, but it is principled. It is sincere and does not necessarily make actual actions. Sometimes even passionate people can be quite devoted.
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  • Agreeableness
  • The easy-going personality trait does not require others and is not demanding. Peaceful people, generally introverted, and benevolent are pessimistic types. An easygoing person is calm. He took a step back and then silently moved in the right direction. He will listen, have a talented coordination, and have the compassion for comforting the injured. Keep your head calm when everyone around you is frightened. But at the same time, the most important performance of people with easy-going personality is very lazy, hoping to pass and avoid all work. Since he tries to avoid confrontation and quarrels, he naturally retains his own feelings and rarely speaks frankly with others, thus reducing the chance of conflict. The silence of a peaceful person has prevented him from many troubles, but hiding his feelings and not communicating has caused him to kill many wonderful relationships with others.
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  • Alcohol Addiction Possibility
  • Alcohol addiction, also known as alcohol dependence, is a mental or physical dependence on alcoholic beverages, resulting in physical and mental imbalances. Patients will ignore the various disorders that appear in their own bodies and ingest large amounts of alcoholic beverages for a long time.
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  • Alcohol Consumption
  • After drinking, the alcohol dehydrogenase in the liver is responsible for oxidizing ethanol (wine) to acetaldehyde, and the resulting acetaldehyde is further converted into harmless acetic acid by acetaldehyde dehydrogenase as a substrate. The main factor in the conversion of acetaldehyde in the responsible person is the ALDH2 gene. Lack of ALDH2 enzymes can cause problems in the circulation of alcohol in the body, which eventually leads to accumulation of acetaldehyde in the body, which is blushing, usually accompanied by nausea and symptoms of heartbeat acceleration. People who have ALDH2 mutations will gradually become able to adapt to the symptoms of drunkenness (increased tolerance to acetaldehyde) if they drink for a long time.
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  • Anger Tendency
  • Anger is an emotional state, and its intensity will vary from mild anger to intense anger. Some people are more likely to be angry, they are always easier to get angry, and the intensity of the performance is stronger than the average person. There are also many people who don't express their anger aloud, but they will use a long-term bad temper and impatience. People who are easy to get angry don't always throw things or curse others. Sometimes they will be alienated, sulking, or uncomfortable. Those who are prone to anger, psychologists usually think of a situation of low frustration tolerance, meaning that these people feel that they should not subjectively feel frustrated, uncomfortable or troubled. They can't make things happen, they are especially vulnerable to the unfairness of the situation. The study pointed out that people who are prone to anger are high-risk groups of heart disease and stroke, and the peak period of morbidity within 2 hours after anger, during which the risk of heart disease increased five-fold and the risk of stroke increased by 3 Times.
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  • Anti-Aging Ability
  • People will age from the age of 25, the most obvious phenomenon of physical aging is that the body is gradually obese, eating very little will have fat accumulation, especially the fat in the abdomen and buttocks is difficult to control, Secondly, the skin wrinkles are obviously increased and deepened. At the same time, the skin also begins to relax, losing the elasticity and luster of youth, and it is easy to get tired and lack of energy. Anti-aging ability can analyze the mitochondria of human cells. The mitochondria are the energy reservoir of cells. The organ tissues in our body, especially the heart, brain and muscles, must operate normally and must rely on mitochondria, but at the same time it will also produce Many reactive oxygen species damage cells and accelerate aging. Although it produces aging active oxygen, it also has the ability to neutralize free radicals; when mitochondria begin to age and power is low, it also has the ability to autophagic (Mitophagy), destroying dysfunctional mitochondria. Therefore, analysis of its mitochondria damage, and restore the natural repair ability of mitochondria can know its anti-aging ability.
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  • Anti-inflammation
  • Anti-inflammation refers to the function of the skin against foreign substances such as bacteria and chemicals. It is not only helps the healing of tissues, but also may limit the damage caused by chemicals and pollutants to skin cells. importance - If the inflammation mechanism in the body is excessively active, it will be more likely to cause unnecessary inflammation and trauma to the skin cells. This will cause the skin to become irritated and become red for a long time. It will also increase the sensitivity of the skin to environmental pollutants and daily chemicals.
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